The cheapest way to get from Hoi An to Hue, Vietnam is also the most fun: take a motorbike. The drive takes you past the beautiful beaches of De Nang and through Hai Van Pass, a famously beautiful 21 kilometer mountain pass. I did it myself, and it worked out really well because I just followed four other girls from my hostel who had hired drivers for the trip (which meant I kept up with Vietnamese drivers)! The scenery was stunning, and driving myself through the winding twist and turns of the mountains was really fun. Now please enjoy this excessively large photo gallery from the drive that mostly is just photos of me on a motorbike:
There are too many pics for me to come up with good captions. It’s called “cloud pass”. I’m sure you can see why. These signs were everywhere. I don’t have a good caption. Again, no good caption. Cruuuuiissiiinnn I didn’t know they were doing whatever arm thing that is. Is this motorbike my happy place? 😜 Skkrrrrrt There were also lots of pretty rice fields. And pretty ocean. Ayyyyyy look who it is! I. Look. Awesome. Viewsssss We stopped at a fishing village too! I’m not in this photo but it is still cool I guess. New friends! I was the only American. Squad pic Someone said to raise our hands like this and I thought it was going to look really stupid but it actually doesn’t look that bad. We do look kind of basic here though. Clouds rolling in over the cloud pass (see what I did there).
I won’t be writing a post about the city of Hue because I got sick and spent most of my time there in the hospital, which was a terrible experience. The one cool thing I did do there was visit this eery abandoned waterpark.
The government owned this waterpark and spent a bunch of money on it. In the mouth of the dragon. It’s been abandoned for a few years but all you have to do to see it is bribe a guard.