So, after 45 hours of airports and planes, I finally made it to Cape Town! The trip was absolutely awful, and I feel a very strong need to vent. So here is a summary of my last few days: Friday 8:30 AM – I arrived at CVG more than two hours before my flight because…
Its Almost Time to Leave!
In less than 24 hours I am heading abroad! I will be spending the next three months living and working at a brewery in Cape Town, South Africa! I am so excited to spend my summer (which is actually winter in South Africa) brewing beer, climbing mountains, exploring beaches, seeing wildlife, and learning about South African…
My Comprehensive List of Things that Nobody Reminds First-Time International Travelers To Do
While I am absolutely ecstatic to be leaving the country for the FIRST TIME EVER, there is a lot to do to prepare for my (hopefully) life-changing summer abroad. Since I am from Ohio, attend college 30 minutes away from my parents’ house, and never went on exotic oversea vacations while growing up, I have no…